The Chatham Real Food Market is incorporated as a cooperative, meaning the members own the store.
What is a Co-op?​
The Co-op is a community-owned market that is owned by its members. Every member has an equal share of the market, for a one-time cost of $100. It is established not for profit, but for the cooperative rendering of mutual help and service to its members.
By purchasing a share in the Co-op, you become an equal owner of a small, sustainable food store that supports local farmers, crafters, and community members and whose profits go right back into the community that it serves. As an owner you have the power to influence and direct the impact that this store has on this community which is based around the cooperative principles that govern all cooperative models.

Can anyone shop at the Co-op?
The Co-op is open to all! You do not have to be a member-owner to shop here, but we welcome you to join our community!
The Co-op welcomes EBT purchases.
If you'd like to join us in support of our local food economy and this beautiful market, we'd love to see you at the store or download and fill out a form below:

Membership Benefits
• An opportunity to meet others and become a vital part of a wonderful and sustainable cooperative community
• Help choose, or serve on, the Co-op Council and have a say in the direction of your Co-op
• 10% Flex Discount: Each month your membership account will be credited with a 10% discount on a shopping trip of your choice.
• Bulk Buying: Get bulk special orders from our main distributor at listed wholesale cost
• Quickpay Account: An in-store refillable debit account. Prepay using Cash or Check and get a 3% bonus on all purchases with your debit account.
Our Vision
The Chatham Real Food Market is a cooperatively-owned grocery store aiming to strengthen our rural community, develop our food security, and help build a healthy local economy in our county.
The market is an outlet for the products of our local farms and kitchens, providing education about Columbia County agriculture, and promoting a more localized food system.